Huizhou Ruihon Packaging Products Co.,Ltd


The difference between biodegradable poly mailer bag and common LDPE poly mailer bag

 With the development of economy and society, plastic packaging is polluting the environment more and more, which affects the survival and development of human beings. Therefore, for the past ten years, scientists have been committed to researching more environmentally friendly materials that can replace plastics. Now our company Several courier bags made of fully biodegradable materials have been launched. What is the difference between biodegradable courier bags and ordinary courier bags, today I will explain to you:
1. Material difference: The main components of biodegradable mailing bags are PLA and PBAT, as well as some starch or calcium carbonate components. These materials are harmless to the environment and can be directly degraded into water and carbon dioxide in a certain environment, so it can Treat directly as compost material. The main component of ordinary express bags is polyethylene plastic. If they are used up and can be recycled and reused, they will not pollute the environment. However, they cannot be degraded for decades if they are directly treated as garbage and landfilled without recycling. , Even incineration will produce harmful gases, so in terms of environmental protection, biodegradable express bags are the future development direction.
2. Price difference: The cost difference between biodegradable materials and plastic polyethylene is still relatively large. The raw materials on the market for biodegradable materials are currently about 25,000 yuan/ton, while the cost of plastic polyethylene is currently 9,000 yuan/ton, so it is cost-effective The cost of ordinary express bags is lower.
3. Performance difference: After more than ten years of development, the physical properties of biodegradable materials have gradually improved, and they have reached 80% of the physical properties of traditional plastics. They can basically be used in various application scenarios. Currently, Post, Tmall, and JD. The large-scale promotion of biodegradable express bags has begun.
    Although the cost of biodegradable express bags is about 3 times higher than that of ordinary express bags, the production process and technology are basically mature, and they are environmentally friendly, reducing the pollution of air and soil in the environment, so biodegradable express bags will become the future The most important development direction of express packaging.

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